Essene Book Of Revelationrejected Scriptures

As Orthodox Essenes, we believe that all of the Biblical Apocrypha books are divinely inspired Scripture, and are equal to the authority of the Canonical Books of the Bible. That being said, we believe that the Biblical Apocrypha were always intended by God to be shared secretly rather than publicly, and it is for this reason we consider these books to be Apocrypha Books, and we thus do not include them in the Canonical Bible. Instead, we include them in the Apocryphal Bible. The way we view and receive the two different Bibles is similar to how the Ethiopian Orthodox Church views and receives their two Bible canons, those being the Narrower Canon, and the Broader Canon. We make the same distinction in our Bible Canon: the books of the canonical Bible of the Essenes constitute the Narrower Canon of the Essenes, and the Books of the apocryphal Bible of the Essenes constitute the Broader Canon of the Essenes. To simplify it, we simply refer to the Books of our Narrower Canon as The Canonical Books of the Bible, and we refer to the Books of our Broader Canon as The Apocryphal Books of the Bible. And so, using such language, we can rightly say that we do not consider any of the Apocrypha Books to be part of the Canon, and they should not be included in the Canonical Bible or in the Canon of the Bible. We differ from the other Churches existing today in our enumeration of the Books of the Canon of the Bible and the Books of the Apocrypha of the Bible. Below is a list of the 80 Books of the Canon of the Essene Bible (we divide the 80 Books of the Canon of the Bible into Old Testament and New Testament, 40 books for each Testament):

  1. Essene Book Of Revelationrejected Scriptures In The Bible
  2. Essene Book Of Revelationrejected Scriptures King James Version

Canonical Books of the Orthodox Essene Jewish Bible:


The Nazorean also had a different calendar than the Qumran B'nai-Zadok, a different set of scriptures, a different 'Teachers of Righteousness,' and a different and more positive attitude toward marriage and women. It was into the ancient and mystical B'nai-Amen Temple of the Nazorean that Jesus was born; as it is written: 'He shall be called a. Books/Booklets on the Essenes by Rev. Brother Day, D.D. Maglalene and Essene Jesus: A Cosmic Love Story by Day of Greenleaf, Book $36.99 ($12 postage & handling included) Introducing Magdalene's Teachings on Tantra! - Read this book if you are interested in: The untold love relationship of Jesus and Magdalene! Their marriage and co-ministry! Keywords: Philo, Josephus, scriptures, Essenes, Therapeutae, communities Yale Scholarship Online requires a subscription or purchase to access the full text of books within the service. Public users can however freely search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter. Evidence of the presence of Essenes in Qumran around 135 BC. The Essene Judas prophesies the death of the Maccabee-Hasmonean Jewish king Aristobulus from 104 to 103 BC. After the War of the Maccabees, separatism (strict observance of the Mosaic Law) triumphed between the three parties: Sadducees, Pharisees and Essenes. The Scriptures referred to the Essenes' own period, the 'latter days' (e.g. Dt.4:30; 31:29; Is.2:2; Mic.4:1, NKJV) and described the events they themselves were experiencing, such as the exiling of the Teacher and Roman rule. As such the Essenes are representative of any sect, ancient or modern, that has become separated from the 'mainstream.

Essene Book Of Revelationrejected Scriptures In The Bible

Old Covenant:
1.Book of the Origins of the Law (“Reworked” Pentateuch Book of Genesis; DSS fragments fragments found)
2.Book of the Covenant of the Law (“Reworked” Pentateuch Book of Exodus; DSS fragments found)
3.Book of the Priesthood of the Law (“Reworked” Pentateuch Book of Leviticus; DSS fragments found)
4.Book of the Calculations of the Law (“Reworked” Pentateuch Book of Numbers; DSS fragments found)
5.Book of the Representation of the Law (Temple Scroll; DSS fragments found)
6.Book of the Wisdom of Job (Job; Targum of Job and other DSS fragments found)
7.Book of the Five Books of the Psalms of David (Psalms; Psalms Scroll and other DSS fragments found)
8.Book of the Song of the Songs of Solomon (Song of Solomon; DSS fragments found)
9.Book of the Two Books of the Proverbs of Solomon (LXX Proverbs; DSS fragments found)
10.Book of the Words of Solomon (Ecclesiastes; DSS fragments found)
11.Book of the Words of Isaiah (Isaiah; Isaiah Scroll and other DSS fragments found)
12.Book of the Chronicles of Joshua (Joshua; DSS fragments found)
13.Book of the Chronicles of the Judges of Israel (Judges; DSS fragments found)
14.Book of the Words of Ruth (Ruth; DSS fragments found)
15.Book of the Chronicles of David (LXX 1+2 Samuel; Samuel Scroll and other DSS fragments found)
16.Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel and Judah (LXX 1+2 Kings; DSS fragments found)
17.Book of the Chronicles of Judah (1+2 Chronicles; DSS fragments found)
18.Book of the Words of Amos (Amos; DSS fragments found)
19.Book of the Words of Obadiah (Obadiah; DSS fragments found)
20.Book of the Words of Hosea (Hosea; DSS fragments found)
21.Book of the Words of Joel (Joel; DSS fragments found)
22.Book of the Words of Jonah (Jonah; DSS fragments found)
23.Book of the Words of Micah (Micah; DSS fragments found)
24.Book of the Words of Nahum (Nahum; DSS fragments found)
25.Book of the Words of Habakkuk (Habakkuk; DSS fragments found)
26.Book of the Words of Zephaniah (Zephaniah; DSS fragments found)
27.Book of the Words of Haggai (Haggai; DSS fragments found)
28.Book of the Words of Zechariah (Zechariah; DSS fragments found)
29.Book of the Words of Malachi (Malachi; DSS fragments found)
30.Book of the Words of Jeremiah (Jeremiah, 1 Baruch, and Letter of Jeremiah; DSS fragments found of Jeremiah and Letter of Jeremiah)
31.Book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah (Lamentations; DSS fragments)
32.Book of the Words of Ezekiel (Ezekiel; DSS fragments found)
33.Book of the Words of Daniel (LXX Daniel; DSS fragments found)
34.Book of the Words of Ezra and Nehemiah (LXX 1 Esdras; DSS fragments found)
35.Book of the Words of Esther (LXX Esther)
36.Book of the Words of Judith (Judith)
37.Book of the Words of the Maccabees (3 Maccabees)
38.Letter of the Jews Dwelling in the Land of Judah About the Maccabees to the Jews Dwelling in the Land of Egypt (2 Maccabees)
39.Book of the Chronicles of the Maccabees (1 Maccabees)
40.Book of the Wisdom of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus; DSS fragments found)

Essene Book Of Revelationrejected ScripturesEssene Book Of Revelationrejected Scriptures

Essene Book Of Revelationrejected Scriptures King James Version

New Covenant:
1.Book of the Proclamation of Mark (Mark)
2.Book of the Proclamation of Matthew (Matthew)
3.Book of the Proclamation of Luke (Luke)
4.Book of the Proclamation of John (John)
5.First Letter of Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the Church of Thessalonica Abiding in the Father and in the Messiah (1 Thessalonians)
6.Second Letter of Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the Church of Thessalonica Abiding in the Father and in the Messiah (2 Thessalonians)
7.Letter of Paul and Sosthenes to the Church of the Corinthians Sanctified and Called Saints (1 Corinthians)
8.Letter of Paul and Timothy to the Church of the Corinthians Accompanying the Saints of Achaia (2 Corinthians)
9.Letter of Paul and the Brethren with him to the Churches of the Galatians (Galatians)
10.Letter of Paul to the Beloved of God Called Saints Dwelling in Rome (Romans)
11.Letter of Paul to the Faithful Saints Dwelling in Ephesus (Ephesians)
12.Letter of Paul and Timothy to the Saints Accompanying the Bishops and Deacons in Philippi (Philippians)
13.Letter of Paul to the Brethren Dwelling in Laodicea (Laodiceans)
14.Letter of Paul and Timothy to the Saints and Faithful Brethren Dwelling in Colosse (Colossians)
15.Letter of Paul and Timothy to Philemon, Apphia, Archippus, and their House Church (Philemon)
16.Letter of Paul to Titus (Titus)
17.First Letter of Paul to Timothy (1 Timothy)
18.Second Letter of Paul to Timothy (2 Timothy)
19.Letter of James to the Dispersed Twelve Tribes of Israel (James)
20.Letter of Jude to those who are Called, Sanctified by God, and Preserved in the Messiah (Jude)
21.Letter of Peter to the Elect Pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia (1 Peter)
22.Letter of Peter to the Receivers of Faith by the Righteousness of the Messiah (2 Peter)
23.Letter of John to Those Who Have Ceased From Willful Sins (1 John)
24.Letter of John to Kuria and Her Children (2 John)
25.Letter of John to Gaius (3 John)
26.Letter of the Church Dwelling in Rome to the Church Dwelling in Corinth who are Called and Sanctified by the Will of God (1 Clement)
27.Letter of Clement to the Church of Corinth (2 Clement)
28.Book of the Chronicles of the Apostles (Codex Bezae Acts)
29.Letter of Barnabas to the Churches of the Hebrews (Hebrews)
30.Letter of Barnabas to the Gentiles (Epistle of Barnabas)
31.Letter of Ignatius to the Church Blessed by God Dwelling At Ephesus (Ig. Ephesians)
32.Letter of Ignatius to the Church Blessed in God’s Grace Dwelling At Magnesia (Magnesians)
33.Letter of Ignatius to the Holy Church Dwelling At Tralles (Trallians)
34.Letter of ignatius to the Sanctified Church Dwelling At Rome (Ig. Romans)
35.Letter of Ignatius to the Church Dwelling At Philadelphia Established in the Harmony of God (Philadelphians)
36.Letter of Ignatius to the Church Dwelling At Smyrna Adorned with Holiness (Smyrnaeans)
37.Letter of Ignatius to Polycarp (Polycarp)
38.Letter of Polycarp and the Presbyters Accompanying Him to the Church Dwelling At Philippi (Poly. Philippians)
39.Book of the Visions of Hermas (Shepherd of Hermas)
40.Book of the Visions of John (Revelation)